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"How do you feel in your body today?"

That question has a pretty complicated answer, doesn't it? There is so much that encompasses "your body", that it can be difficult to process it all. You've been on this planet for many years, from your infancy, to your childhood, to your adulthood, and every day has carried it's unique joys, challenges, and sometimes trauma.


When it comes to chronic pain, it can be hard to tell what is affecting you in this moment. How much pain is from a specific injury, and how much comes from the stress surrounding it? How much is current, and how much is remembered? How do your mind and body communicate? What is being left unspoken, or unheard?


That's a lot of questions, and I haven't even introduced myself - my name is Woozy (they/them), and I am a licensed massage therapist and an insured member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP)


I am all too familiar with the feelings of frustration and limitation that come with chronic pain, having spent nearly a decade of living a life completely centered around managing my own constant back pain. After all that time, I finally found relief and clarity through a combination of emotionally supportive massage therapy, and a genuine understanding of how stress, trauma, and buried emotions can physically linger in one's body.


While I always recognize the effect of physical stressors on our bodies - I wouldn't recommend energy work for a broken leg - I rarely see it as the total picture. We are not simply machines with a few parts out of alignment. Just as the mind can make decisions to lessen the body's pain, the body holds on to thoughts that it believes the conscious mind can't handle - yet. 


When you are in my room or on my table, you are in a safe space. I always allow ample time for discussion of anything that you feel might be relevant before starting the massage. If a thought is weighing you down, I want you to feel comfortable unloading it. As you check in with yourself, and as you allow your mind and your body to occupy the same space, I will be there supporting you, all while using massage techniques designed to foster that mind-body connection.


Through nurturing both at once, and encouraging this connection, my goal is to support every person I work with in finding relief, comfort, clarity, and happiness as a more unified human being.


I hope to work with you soon, and until then, I hope you are being kind to yourself, and enjoying the loveliest of lovely days.

Available by Appointment Only

150 Main St, 3rd Floor (Sanctuary, in Thorne's Marketplace)

Northampton, MA, 01060

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